Wednesday, September 23, 2009

red dust day,

Sydney was hit by a massive giant inferno of red dust this morning. The sky was glowing amber and it really looked like a scene from a Hollywood sci-fi come alien invasion come the morning after a nuclear bomb had hit kind of situation.When i woke up and saw that the sky was red and the sun was white like the moon my jaw dropped all the way to the ground.......Note to self ALWAYS keep face masks handy.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

GetKnitted on Etsy - GETKNITTED

GetKnitted on Etsy - GETKNITTED
check out my etsy store (via Etsy)

Friday, September 4, 2009

the crochet bikini is back!!!!

Its amazing how fashion turns around and comes right back around again.This time its the retro,cool and hip crochet bikini,seems like all the celebs are wearing some sort of crocheted swimsuit. Even our very own Aussie icon Elle McPherson, sports illustrated swimsuit model extraordinaire was spotted wearing one last

I have have been torturing myself for over a year trying to come up with the best fitting crochet bikini pattern, and at last i have done it. It took many many many trials and errors to finally  come up with a beautiful fitting crochet bikini ( pictured below ), even my cousin (a budding young fashion designer) insisted i make her one (huge compliment)

My pattern is so easy to follow and uses only (1) stitch throughout, I'm thrilled with the results. So if you, or someone you know can crochet then check this out,

If you cant crochet then check this out

Cheers for now.....

Thursday, September 3, 2009

KNITTING for beginners

Hi all
thought i would start my first lesson with the very basic but functional "icord", all you need to know is how to knit.Icords can be made with any type of yarn,just be sure to use the corresponding double pointed needle size that goes with it. Cast on any number of odd stitches, usually 3 or 5 stitches is the standard but once you have made an icord you can experiment with yarn thicknesses and amounts of cast on stitches, it just needs to be an odd number.
so for this lesson lets cast on 5 stitches and knit one row, on the next row slide your work down the other end of the needle and knit another row, next row slide your work down the other end and knit that row and basically that's it. Continue doing this till you reach a desired length, make it long enough to use as a lariat,make 2 or 3 really long ones in different colors to hang around your neck or make it short enough for a bracelet, its your choice.
These icords can be embellished with,beads,buttons,sequence,knitted leaves,knitted flowers etc etc. Next time I will be posting a crochet flower pattern to sew or pin to your icord. So get your needles out and start clicking and before long you will be wearing your own original piece of wearable fiber art....cheers

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


hello world
I will be posting tips, tricks, knitting & crochet tutorials for beginners on my blog site from now on. I will start very soon and my first post will be dedicated to "icords" these wonderful icords can be used in a multitude of ways, you can create necklaces,bangles,belts,lariats etc just by adding simple flower or bobble embellishments.So get your knitting needles out and stay tuned......cheers